Terms & Conditions

(A New You), 78 Trafalgar Street, Brighton, BN1 4EB. These terms and conditions prevail over the contents of any other documents provided by A New You where a conflict in the content takes place.

1. Definitions

a)    “Client” – Any person who has contacted A New You, requesting information or a consultation for cosmetic surgery or a non-surgical procedure.

b)    “Patient” – Any person who has committed to have cosmetic surgery with A New You.

c)     “Surgeon” – A medical practitioner who is registered with the General Medical Council and is a Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons (or who holds an equivalent acceptable foreign qualification).

d)    “Anaesthetist” – A medical practitioner who is registered with the General Medical Council and has admitting privileges to the hospital where the procedure is undertaken.

e)    “Clinic Practitioner” – A member of A New You’s staff who is trained and qualified to undertake non-surgical procedures, to conduct consultations and, if a nurse, to undertake pre-operative assessments and post-operative clinic care.

f)     “Days” – Where not referring to working days, the days of a normal seven-day week including UK Bank or Public Holidays.

g)    “Cooling-off Period” – The seven-day period following your consultation with the clinic practitioner, prior to seeing the surgeon.

h)    “Reflection Period” – A period of 14 days from the date of the first consultation with the surgeon to the date of surgery. A New You’s surgeons will recommend, in accordance with guidelines issued by the Independent Healthcare Association, May 2003, “Good Medical Practice in Cosmetic Surgery”, an adequate time for reflection. Surgeons do not normally admit any patient for a procedure to be carried out sooner than two weeks after the initial consultation, except in exceptional circumstance.

2. A New You’s Obligations

a)    A New You will provide an initial consultation with a clinic practitioner, usually for a fee.

b)    A New You will provide an initial consultation with a surgeon, for a fee.

c)     A New You will recommend that all patients have a period to reflect before undergoing surgery. If a patient cancels surgery during the ‘reflection period’ they will not be charged a cancellation fee.

d)    All of the surgeons work on a self-employed basis and are registered with the General Medical Council and hold the qualifications and experience required under section 23(1) of the Health and Social Care Act. They are obliged to maintain full Private Practice Medical Indemnity Insurance with the Medical Defence Union, the Medical Protection Society or any other appropriate insurer.

e)    Once a price is agreed and documented in writing it will cover:

i. Hospital treatment and accommodation including patient catering;

ii. Nursing care;

iii. Operating theatre charges;

iv. Breast implants/other prosthesis;

v. Drugs and dressings;

vi. Pre-operative blood tests. (Excluded are ECG, X-rays, ultrasound and mammography.)

vii. The surgeon’s fees during the hospital stay, which includes the pre-surgery consultation, surgery and surgical rounds and post-operative care;

viii. The anaesthetist’s fee, including a pre-operative visit, the operation and immediate post-operative care

ix. Aftercare at a New You (See sections 7 and 8 below.)

3. Payments Made

a)    Non-surgical treatment – 50% of the total fee is withheld if a treatment is cancelled without giving 48 hours’ notice except in exceptional and unforeseen circumstances, for example bereavement, and then at the discretion of the Clinic Director.

b)    Surgical consultation: If the consultation is booked, A New You reserves the right to retain the consultant fee unless seven days’ notice is given.

4. Rescheduling Policy

a)    If a patient books a date for surgery and then decides to reschedule that date, an administration fee will be applicable. The amount will depend on how much notice is provided:

i. 15 days or more notice – £75 administration fee at A New You’s discretion;

ii. 14 days to seven days’ notice – £250 administration fee at A New You’s discretion;

iii. Six or fewer days’ notice – £750 administration fee at A New You’s discretion.

b)    The administration fee will be added to the total fee and will be payable prior to surgery. A New You’s seven-day ‘cooling off’ period is not affected by this policy. If a patient subsequently cancels a rescheduled procedure, A New You’s refund policy will be applied.

c)     A New You may need to reschedule an operation date and reserves the right to do so.

d)    A New You reserves the right to cancel or postpone surgery in the interests of patient safety and welfare if directed by the medical team or under circumstances beyond the control of A New You, for example if the hospital facilities or surgeon become unavailable.

5. Refund Policy

a)    A full refund is paid during A New You’s seven-day “cooling off” period, prior to the initial consultation with the surgeon.

b)    A full refund, minus the consultation fee, the cost of any tests undertaken and any expenses incurred by A New You which cannot be refunded will be paid if booked surgery is cancelled in writing to the Clinic Director up to and including 14 days (i.e. the “reflection period”) after the initial consultation with the surgeon.

c)     If a patient cancels surgery after a consultation with a surgeon has taken place and after the “reflection period” period, A New You will charge or retain:

i.  20% of the total fee three weeks before surgery

ii.  30% of the total fee two weeks before surgery

iii.  50% of the total fee one week before surgery

iv.  100% of the total fee within two working days of surgery

6. Patient’s Obligations

a) The patient must be at least 18 years old for any consultation or surgical procedure.

b) The patient understands that it is the appointed surgeon’s sole decision whether or not a surgical procedure can be carried out.

c) The patient shall provide to A New You, the surgeon or any appropriate staff member an honest health history which is as accurate, reliable and full as possible. If it is later identified that a patient has withheld medical information, it is at the surgeon’s discretion whether or not to carry out the surgical procedure. This may result in the cancellation of the surgery without a refund being paid.

d) The patient shall notify A New You as soon as possible if a change occurs to their health or wellbeing after the initial consultation.

e) The patient shall be responsible for making sure that they understand all the information provided to them.

f) The patient shall comply with all of the pre- and post-surgical instructions provided by A New You and the surgeon.

g) The patient must ensure that any invoices and/or outstanding money is paid in a timely manner and that all outstanding balances are paid ahead of any surgery.

7. Aftercare Policy – General

a) All patients should attend post-surgery appointments set by A New You and follow advice and guidance set out in the literature provided by A New You. Failure to do this may affect the patients’ rights.

b) It will be the responsibility of the patient to have any further tests required following surgery, if the surgeon requests them.

c) If a scan is required as part of the treatment plan or to ascertain if the treatment is appropriate, the cost would normally be covered by the patient.

d) Patients may be provided with follow-up appointments up to one year following surgical procedure without further charge, as directed by the surgeon.

e) Any changes in appearance through lifestyle, pregnancy, illness or the natural ageing process that have an effect on the original results of the surgery may prevent A New You from providing this aftercare.

f) If in the unlikely event that a patient requires further surgery, the patient will be charged the anaesthetist’s and the hospital’s fees.

8. Other Information

a) In the interests of patient safety and/or in exceptional circumstances A New You reserves the right to alter the patient’s admission date, although such changes will be avoided wherever possible. Should such an alteration be required, the patient agrees that no related losses will be recoverable from A New You

b) The patient agrees that by signing the Terms and Conditions and the consent form that he/she has understood the contents, has been given an opportunity to consider the content and to seek separate independent advice if desired, and agrees to adhere to the Terms and Conditions.

9. Confidentiality/Data Protection

a) A New You processes and holds data relevant to clients, patients and the procedures, be they surgical or non-surgical, in accordance with the provisions set out in this section

b) Should A New You wish to disclose information and data relating to clients, patients, surgeons and hospital staff, A New You will first obtain the patient’s consent before any disclosure is made.

c) The patient is deemed to have consented to allowing A New You to disclose any data including any sensitive information to health professionals for the purpose of discussions relating to the procedure or any follow-up treatment.

d) The patient is deemed to have consented to allowing A New You to disclose any data including any sensitive information to any government authorities whether they are regulatory or otherwise.

e) The patient acknowledges that A New You is obtaining this consent in order that they may comply with the Data Protection Act 1998.

10. Access to Medical Records held by A New You

a) A patient may request to view their medical records; a clinic practitioner must be present.

b) A copy of the medical records may be requested in writing to the Clinic Director.

11. Legal Jurisdiction

a) The laws of England and Wales shall govern these Terms and Conditions, and their courts shall have exclusive jurisdiction.

patient testimonials
Everyone's experiences can be uniquely different especially in terms of results, we find it's often helpful to hear how other patient's experienced a treatment or procedure that you may be considering.
“I have had a number of procedures at this clinic, and have always been made to feel welcome. The employees are always professional and explain all relevant aspects of the treatments offered. Everyone's experience with cosmetic surgery is different, but so far, I have been happy with my results.”

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  • Funding from £200 – £5000 available

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